Coffee can make healthy Pun

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Your coffee drinker? Means that you include one of the lucky people. Coffee is not always a bad effect. Coffee, drinks from the seeds of black history from the first found in Africa, 575 M, the property has not trivial.
Drink this in the entire known world, enjoy labor rough start to the top of the executive class, with such rough labor and business also have the same health benefits.

Indeed, in the world of health konsumi coffee should be limited because kafeinnya womb. Not every person with a caffeine-resistant and have a different sensitivity level. However, in the amount of the right, coffee also has a property is not trivial in the health body. Thorough, khasiatnya beneficial for our heart and liver.
Heart. A study at Harvard masif found no increased risk of heart attack in the long-term coffee drinker. In the case of a certain coffee even save your life!.

Coffee drinker aged 55 to 69 years mengonsumsi three coffee cups per day decreased the risk of death due to heart attack much as 24 percent compared to non-coffee drinker, so the analysis of research carried out on 27 participants in the United States. More strange, the risk of death due to other causes also decreased as much as 15%.
Heart. Even the amount of coffee in a few, are able to protect your liver. Research conducted by Kaiser Permanente found few cases of cirrhosis in which alcohol drinker also menenggak coffee. Drinking at least a day cut the risk of sirosi up to 30 percent, and mengonsumsi 4 or more cups a day can reduce the risk of up to 80 percent when compared to those who do not mengonsumsi coffee.

Diseases parkinson.Satu benefits for coffee drinker, according to the research team of researchers Havard, the U.S., coffee drinking habits reduce the risk of a third possibility to Parkinson disease. Research done by the Italian team showed even lower numbers, the coffee drinker cut risk of Parkinson to 80% compared to the mengonsumsi not at all.
For you fans of black coffee only, original not excessive, will gain in health in the draft every coffee you drink. Meanwhile, add the coffee taste like spices, chocolate, or vanilla, it is not only a taste but also for additional manfaaat body. Where is your choice?

1 comment:

Admin said...

yes, i like coffe

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